Main Page/DAT
SIZEu file
ldim: dimension
lxi: the degree of polynomials lx1: the number of grid points on the face ly1=lx1; lz1=lx1
lelt: the maximun number of element per core
lp : the maximum number of cores
We'll have to use (E,lelt,lx1,lp), to represent size of prob, instead of c3d.rea.
E=total element numbers, lelt=element # per core, lx1= grid points in one direction, lp= # of cores.
I had many different rea with c3d_6 (E=136K), c3d_7(E=273K), etc..
Even for a fixed num of element with c3d_7 (E=273K), men usage is different for different # of cores (lp=32k, 65k, 131k). So... sorry I wouldn't know which case if it's just c3d...
By the way, please remember I made huge change in the code so far for 2 times reduction in mem usage to go further up from 1.1 billion to 2.2 billion cases.
from (E=273, lx1=16, lp= 131k): limit in the past ---> (E=546k, lx1=16, lp=131k)
(E=999k, lx1=16, lp=131k) was 500M. So I couldn't do on BGP. But is be ok on XK6, even with lp=262k.
If you still keep the old version old version of the code: you can compile and
see what men usage was. From example below, always the fourth one (92352484) will
be the mem usage.
jl_sparse_cholesky.o jl_poly.o jl_tensor.o jl_findpt.o jl_pfindpt.o comm_mpi2.o rbIO_nekcem.o vtkbin.o coIO_nekcem.o coIO_nekcem_read.o io_util.o mpiio_util.o io_driver.o -llapack -lblas
text data bss dec hex filename
4173564 266664 87912256 92352484 5812fe4 nekcem I am done
Let me know if not clear on this --